Archive for Week

Word of the Week

Posted in Word of the Week with tags , , , , , , , , on September 11, 2008 by c4f117

Well, I figured I’d do the same word of the day as, which is torrid. I don’t really have any paticular reason for wanting to use it, but it sounded cool, and it involves fire. Torrid essentially means scorched with heat, or burnt. It also is a synonym for parched, which is basically being extremely thirsty. I suppose I chose this because I like to play video games with lots of action, and most of them have flamethrowers or other things that are related to fire or burning. I guess that I liked Torrid when I saw it on the page, because it had something to do with fire, and consequentially, video games. Not much wore of a reason that I can give. Yes, I know. This is really random.